More To Say

Happy New Year! Belated, but not by much. I’m really bad with New Years resolutions… ha… ha… ha. Some things going on with this blog…

First, I was going to start writing my posts as essays. I even had a few planned out. That’s gone about as well as writing my posts with complementary Japanese (Remember that idea?)… i.e. not at all. Writing a good essay takes lots of time, and it already takes me an average of 3 to 4 hours to write a good post, which makes me think I’m either too wordy or just a really slow writer or both.

Keeping things short, I plan on writing essays still – docs I can refer to in the long run – as well as just writing casual stuff. Because frankly, I don’t have time and I’m not interested in creating a Youtube channel just to spout quick stuff… even though I think more people watch Youtube than read blogs these days. *sigh* (Not to mention, I probably have better things to say than most average Youtubers, but at least You-tube is finally living up to its name.)

As I haven’t written in awhile, I’ve felt like my opinion has been left behind by the crappy people who spout crap all day without anyone to correct them. Not that I’m arrogant, but it’s annoying that so much garbage is said without a corresponding level of response by people speaking the truth. And no, I’m not just talking about politics, though I seem to be… he he… fond of the subject (*looks both ways and grins*).

I will say this: Having watched certain religious videos (on Youtube… hahahahaha), I have been inspired to write in a much more lofty way.

What is Lofty Writing?

Think of being in the slums for dinner and the language people speak. It’s trashy, commoner language language with which people are always talking about their daily life and problems, petty concerns, and stuff that makes you remember life feels like a dung hole.

Now imagine you are invited to a king’s court. The language is more formal and polite, stiff in a way. Saying the wrong thing could get your head cut off, but rather than worry, you’re probably preoccupied with the thought of how strangely people act in pretending to be more than who they are, how everything is arrayed elegantly, and how people seem to be more concerned with faux pas and the illusion of something fancy than actual practicality.

Now imagine your are invited to a banquet on Mt Olympus attended by all the spirits of the world. There, the veils of reality are removed – there are no pretenses – and the language is both practical and poignant. Indeed, it is epic, particularly in the sense that everything discussed is as it should be. The liars and the honest are known. Who stands with whom is known. The purposes and places of everything are known, and it all comes down to certain rules of reality established from its very foundations, and of which we can speak of in a way that transcends time. To speak of that would be lofty writing. It is a supreme honesty, declarations that we can state that are true for all time and humanity, not some pretension garbage or trivial quibble. No rants, no “sensationalism” (not negative or click-bait at least), and nothing tied directly to any specific culture or place in time. In other words, transcendent truth.

And no, it’s nothing like John Milton’s Paradise Lost.

Wrapping it up

Admittedly, I’d love to write lofty writing, and I plan on doing that. At the same time, though, I think it’s good to just get the conversation going and get people thinking “Hey wait, there really is better way to think of [xyz].”

That said, it maybe time to soon release the onslaught of articles I’ve had stored up.


  1. darkdaemonpk2 Avatar

    I like politics as well, especially when it comes to roasting a certain US President who had committed a train wreck of misdeeds. On the subject of new years resolution, if a person really wants to change then that journey will start with a single step. I myself am trying to improve as better person since I have a lot shortcoming in life. However, I admit there are still some habits that do not get snuffed out that easily.

    And yeah, I like honest essays as well. This is the first time I’ve heard about lofty writing so I’ll read that the next time it gets posted.

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